Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Picture 50 - Here's a picture of my friend Troy and a monkey. The monkey is the heterotroph because it can't make food by itself and eats other things to stay alive.

Organisms in different kingdoms

Picture 48, 49 - Plantae and Animalia. Two different kingdoms. Organisms from each. The Kingdom is split into six groups.

Different types of carbohydrates

Pictures 45, 46, 47 - Rice, Cereal, and Wheat. Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of a chain or ring of carbon atoms to which hydrgen and oxygen atoms are attached in a ratio of 2:1 having the generalized formula (CH2O) carbohydrates include sugars, starch anf cellulose.


Picture 43 - In order to maintain homeostasis during the hot day, my cousins are sweating. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively stable internal physiological environment in an organis. It invovles some form of feedback self regulation.

Picture 44- This picture was taken during the fall. In order to maintain body temperature at a steady rate, my cousin and his friends are wearing light jackets or sweatshirts to keep in their body heat.

Bilateral symmetry

Picture 41 - This is a picture of a leaf. When looked at vertically it is the same exact design on both sides. This leaf was found in my aunt's house. It's a house plant. I don't know what it's called.

Picture 42 - This is another leaf that possesses bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when a body design has the right and left halves mirroring each other and have the same images. A bilaterally symmetrical body plan has a top and a bottom, known as the dorsal and ventral portions of the body.


Picture 39 - Within this plant, the process of photosynthesis is taking place. In order to carry out this process, the plant uses ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This gives the plant energy to carry out its life functions. The picture was taken at my grandma's house.
Picture 40 - This is a picture of a flower. This picture was taken at the park. ATP is a nucleotide consisting of adenine, ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups; ATP is the energy currency of cellular metabolism in all organisms. ATP is helping this flower live.


Picture 37 - This is a picture of an autotroph. It is a plant that was seen at my grandma's house. Autotrophs are able to make food for themselves through the process of photosynthesis. They take in sunlight and water, and carbon dioxide to change it into a useable food scource.
Picture 38 - This is a picture of an autotroph as well. This plant was from outside by a park. It is able to build all the comlex organic molecules that it requires as its own food scource.