Picture 11 - This is a picture of a pine tree's leaves. Notice the needle like shape of the leaves. This is what makes it a gymnosperm leaf. There are four groups of living gymnosperms. Conifers, cycads, gnetophytes, and Ginkgo. All these groups lack the flowers and fruits of angiosperms. In all of them, the ovule, which becomes a seed, rests exposed on a scale and is not completely enclosed by sporophyte tissues at the time of pollination. This pine is a conifer and has tough needlelike leaves produced mostly in clusters of two to five.

Picture 12 - This is another picture of a pine tree. The species of this pine is different than the one I posted right above it. Now to further describe pines...The leaves, which have a thick cuticle and recessed stomata, represent an evolutionary adaptation for slowing down water loss.
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